.... Advertiser.ie - Win a Christmas Party with the Harbour Hotel

Win a Christmas Party with the Harbour Hotel

The Harbour Hotel is offering you and your team the chance to have your Christmas party for free at the Harbour Hotel, worth €480.

The Christmas party package at The Harbour Hotel will include a mulled wine reception, festive party novelties, a four course meal, entertainment with live band and a Christmas raffle with great spot prizes.

To be in with a chance of winning answer the following question:

In the song ‘Fairytale of New York’,

Are the boys of the NYPD choir singing:

A ) Galway Bay

B ) Donegal Bay

C ) Hudson Bay

To enter simply email your answer A ), B ) or C ) along with your name, company name and phone number to sales@harbour.ie. Closing date for entries is Friday November 28 with the winner being announced on Monday December 1. The Christmas Party on offer takes place on Thursday December 11 for a party of up to 10 people.


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