.... Advertiser.ie - Cottage to host Thanskgiving

Cottage to host Thanskgiving

There’s a lot to be thankful for this Thankgiving, in particular the new US president Barack Obama.

And to celebrate The Cottage Bar in Salthill is giving away free turkey dinners (or a vegetarian option if you want to steer clear of fowl ) on November 27 to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Dinners will be served all evening starting at 5pm and The Cottage will be raising funds on the night to help St Vincent De Paul help those less fortunate in Galway this Christmas.

This is the third annual Thanksgiving at the Cottage in Salthill and it has proven to be a wonderful evening and a lovely way to support local charities coming up to Christmas.

If you're in the Moycullen area, you can pop into The Cottage for similar fare, with their proceeds going to local charity Sonas.


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