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Cllr Lyons set for Fine Gael date

Fine Gael continues its spot of gravedigging as its general secretary Tom Curran is to meet Galway city councillor Donal Lyons this week in a bid to convince the Knocknacarra based representative to join the party.

Speaking to Galway First Cllr Lyons confirmed that on Thursday last there had been a Fine Gael approach.

He said, “Now that the party has folded I intend to meet FG this week. I’m meeting with the general secretary and I’ll take it from there.”

But he added, “I’d expect to go down the Independent route but I’m going to meet them out of courtesy.”

Meanwhile Terry O’Flaherty, who declared as an Independent well before the PDs were officially wound up, also confirmed she has been approached by the party.

She remains as diplomatic as her fellow former PDs, saying, “I have been approached from a very high level Fine Gael. I’m very flattered and honoured that FG have made those approaches. I work very well with my FG colleagues. I have no difficulties working with them. I’ve a very good working relationship with all the representatives from the other parties. But so far my feelings with regards to running remain that of an Independent.”

Cllr Declan McDonnell’s future, however, seems to be Independent. His recent council meeting run-ins with Fianna Fáil have raised questions over his desire to join the party. And speaking to Galway First he strongly hinted his mind is made up.

He said, “I’ll be making an announcement in the next 10 days. The more likely situation is that I would be going Independent.

“I’m disappointed with a lot of things that have happened over the last six months such as the budget and education cuts and the situation in Mervue that will see the school lose five teachers.

“If i run as an Independent I may be able to say things that need to be said. I’m a community activist, have been since I was 12, and I will always remain to be so it might be best to have the shackles off me.”


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