No more yo-yo dieting for Jackie

Having been overweight and yo-yo dieting for more than 14 years and after attending various slimming organisations, Jackie was desperate to find something that would help her lose weight. She decided to have a look at the Slimming World website to see when the next meeting would take place in her area.

“I found that there was no meeting in Galway but there was a class in a neighbouring county,” she recalled. “When I got there I sat in the car for about 15 minutes plucking up the courage to go in. When I did, I was met by my consultant who immediately put me at ease, as the meeting went on I discovered I was in a room full of like minded people. We have such fun at my Slimming World group it’s hard to believe that I was really nervous on my first night. Slimming World was completely different to anything I expected.

“Now, having lost two stone, it was the best decision I made and I haven’t felt so good in years. I have met some wonderful people who are on their own weight loss journeys and because we have that common ground, we can talk about the good weeks and, more importantly, give each other support when we have a bad week.”

Jackie began following Slimming World’s food optimising eating plan, which allowed her to eat unlimited amounts of healthy, satisfying foods such as fruit and vegetables, pasta, rice, potatoes, lean meat and poultry, fish, eggs and fat free dairy, which are naturally filling and low in calories. “I sometimes find it hard to believe how much I’d struggled to lose weight before and starved myself while doing it, because with Slimming World there’s so much choice and I never feel hungry,” she said. “I can still enjoy my favourite meals like pasta carbonara and steak and chips, even treats like chocolate and a glass of wine.”

Following Jackie’s success she is now a consultant herself after completing her training and will be at her new venue, the Pillo Hotel, Terryland, Galway, every Wednesday from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. For more details phone Jackie on (085 ) 8520 701.


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