Farmbud business directory due to be published soon

A new business information service will soon be available to farmers in the form of the Farmbud Business Directory 2012. Farmbud, established in 2008, Irish owned and based, hosts, the largest global online farming network, currently under development, which will provide an innovative online networking medium for farmers all over the world; the Irish and UK portion of which is due to be launched early in the new year.

The directory which will feature in printed and online form, will be available free to farmers, and will provide them with a comprehensive listing of Agri-businesses and other relevant businesses across all categories and all counties. In printed form the directory will be a handy durable A5 size paperback with high quality pages, ideal for leaving on the farm office desk or carrying in a vehicle.

Listings and advertisements will be alphabetically sorted by category and county, with an index on the back pages, speeding up any search. The online directory will offer search by category and county, along with a search phrase option, etc.

This directory is the first of its kind in that it covers the whole country in one publication, thereby offering farmers and businesses more opportunity to source and sell their products and services. Farmers in Northern Ireland have always found it difficult to source products and services from businesses and farmers in the Republic of Ireland as Republic publications do not circulate in the North, and vice versa. Businesses attempting to sell their wares in the North have also faced additional advertising costs. The Farmbud Business Directory will eliminate this problem offering businesses an affordable and effective way to advertise directly to their target market.

The business listing database is currently being populated and Farmbud representatives are calling on all farm related businesses around the country over the coming weeks offering businesses the opportunity to take an entry, or advertise, in the directory under the categories and counties listings.

The printed directory will be distributed to all farmers, through farm outlets and online, early in 2012 with the publication of 150,000 copies, to coincide with the launch of the online version.

The world is indeed becoming a smaller place!

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