Pearla na Mara and Translex celebrate birthday together

An evening of food and wine tasting will take place tomorrow night Friday November 11 at the new Pearla na Mara restaurant, Howley Square, Oranmore to celebrate their recent opening.

Pearla na Mara is jointly hosting the event with Translex Translation Services who celebrate four years in business in Galway. The restaurant will offer tasting samples of some of their exciting cooking all of which will be accompanied by wine choices from leading Italian wine expert Enrico Fantasia.

Pearla na Mara is operated by food lovers, husband and wife team Kamel and Justyna who have been on the Galway scene for many years, he as a chef, and she as a language teacher and translator.

The couple spent years sampling the eateries in the west of Ireland while Kamel perfected his cooking talents and techniques.

They decided there was an opening for a restaurant offering sophisticated Mediterranean cooking at reasonable prices using the best Irish ingredients. They took the plunge in August and their food has been very well received ever since.

Translex Translation Services grew out of the Language Institute at the Granary Learning Centre which started business in Galway’s Dominick St in 2007. It was a logical extension to language teaching to offer translation services and the Learning Centre’s location in the city centre meant it was easy for clients to drop in with their personal and business documents.

The translation business has grown ever since with the company gradually moving into more and more commercial work especially in the areas of legal and medical translation.

The connection to Pearla na Mara results from Translex’s long association with Justyna who was one of its first teachers and translators. The company has teamed with the restaurant to celebrate its four years in business and Pearla na Mara’s arrival on the increasingly sophisticated restaurant scene in Oranmore.

If you or your company would like to find out more about the translation services available from Translex and also sample the wonderful food on offer at Pearla na Mara you can meet the owners and operators of both businesses at this informal event on this Friday evening, 11 November, from 6:00pm 9:00pm at Pearla na Mara, Howley Square, Oranmore.

The event is free but places are limited so ring for your reservation at Translex, 091566759, or at Pearla na Mara, 091483900.


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