Malcolm Proud to play Galway

MALCOLM PROUD, the renowned harpsichordist, will perform all six of Bach’s Partitas over two concerts in Galway this month.

The concerts will take place in the Aula Maxima, ground floor, NUI Galway at 8pm on Friday November 18 and Saturday 19. Both concerts will be introduced by Dr David Ledbetter, an internationally recognised authority on 17th and 18th-century keyboard music and performance.

Bach’s dedicated his Partitas “to music lovers as refreshment for their spirits”. According to Dr Ledbetter “They belong with the supreme achievements of western art music – the Baroque equivalent of Beethoven’s piano sonatas”.

On Saturday 19 at 2pm, the Huston School for Film and Digital Media will host a screening of The Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach, a 1968 film directed by Jean Marie Straub and Danielle Huillet, featuring harpsichordist Gustav Leonhardt as Bach.

The Huston School is near the Fisheries’ Fields across from the cathedral behind the Irish Centre for Human Rights (yellow building ).

Tickets to concerts: €20/€16/€6 students. Weekend tickets €36/€30 from Music for Galway 091 705962 or Opus 2, 4 High Street, Galway or


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