Get in shape this winter with low-impact aquafit classes at the Kingfisher Club, Renmore.
Aquafit takes place in water and the Kingfisher Club offers both shallow and deep water classes.
Shallow water classes help to alleviate stress on bones and joints; improve muscle, strength, endurance, and flexibility; tone the upper and lower body; burn maximum calories and increase cardiovascular fitness. The classes are suitable for non-swimmers, expectant mothers, or participants who simply want to improve their fitness and lose weight. It is a safe, easy, and effective way to exercise and is suitable for all ages and levels of fitness.
Shallow water aquafit classes take place on Tuesday at 7.30pm and Thursday at 10.30am.
Deep water exercise is a vigorous total body workout where the body is submerged in water with the use of an aqua belt. Research has shown that, if water properties are understood and used correctly, the training effect is 12 times more beneficial than land training.
Deep water aquafit offers an overall workout for arms, legs, and postural muscles. It is a non-impact exercise, which makes it excellent for dealing with and preventing injury. Water’s resistance gives a great cardiovascular as well as strength training workout, and aquafit is a great form of cross training. It is suitable for all levels of fitness, athletes recovering from injury, or anyone wishing to lose weight and improve their fitness.
For further information contact Caroline Costello at (086 ) 2513536, email
Trial classes are available.
Caroline Costello has over 20 years’ experience teaching water based exercise in Galway.