Corrandulla man ordered to pay €2,000 compensation for nightclub headbutt

A 24-year-old Corrandulla man was ordered to pay €2,000 in compensation to the man he headbutted when his way to the smoking section of a busy city centre nightclub during Race Week was blocked by the crowd.

At Monday’s sitting of Galway District Court Maurice O’Mahoney (24 ) with an address at Bunnatobber, Corrandulla, pleaded guilty to assault causing harm at Central Park nightclub, Upper Abbeygate Street, on July 30, 2010, while his co-accused, Shane Higgins (19 ) with an address at Trienbawn, Belclare, Tuam, pleaded guilty to assault.

Inspector Sean Glynn told the court that shortly after 1am the injured party, Brian O’Boyle, had bumped into O’Mahoney who then proceeded to head butt him in the face. The impact of the headbutt resulted in a chipped tooth and a split lip. With regards to the co-accused, Inspector Glynn said that an altercation had been taking place when Higgins struck Mr O’Boyle in the back of the head with his fist.

Defence solicitor for O’Mahoney, Adrian MacLynn, said that the incident had occurred during the Galway Races, on the night of the Ladies’ Day celebrations, and that his client had been working earlier that day. O’Mahoney met up with his girlfriend and had been drinking before making his way to the smoking area of the busy nightclub. Mr MacLynn said that there had been a lot of people at the club that night, that O’Mahoney found that his way to the smoking area had been blocked and an altercation then ensued between him and the injured party. Mr MacLynn said that O’Mahoney is a “model son” at home but that he has a difficulty with drink in that “when he goes out and drinks his whole character changes”. Mr MacLynn added that his client, who has a four month suspended sentence for a previous conviction, apologised for his behaviour.

The court heard that the charge brought against Higgins, who has no previous convictions, involved a “technical assault”, that “fists had been flying” and that he got involved in an attempt to break up the fight. Higgins’ solicitor added that it was clear from the CCTV footage that the assault was more a “slap to the back of the head”.

The 21-year-old injured party told Judge Mary Fahy that he and O’Mahoney had bumped into each other and that O’Mahoney had become aggressive as a result. He added that he had received a chipped tooth and a laceration but that this has since healed well.

“He was out enjoying himself, it’s totally unacceptable what happened,” said Judge Fahy who then enquired about compensation from the main agressor. Mr MacLynn said that O’Mahoney had brought in to court a sum of €2,000 which was later handed to the injured party. When told that O’Mahoney is facing further matters Judge Fahy adjourned sentencing to December 7, while Higgins was convicted and fined €500 with three months to pay.


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