Galway Rotary Club raises thousands for VdeP

Galway Rotary Club raised € 6,000 in aid of St Vincent de Paul at a recent Rotary dinner meeting.

Val McNicholas, Area President of St. Vincent de Paul, received the cheque and said that the society is delighted to receive this donation from the Rotary Club of Galway.

“Their generous support means that we’re able to help people who really need it. Thanks to the generous donation from Rotarians and other area businesses, our club is able to provide funds to voluntary charitable organisations like SVP here in Galway, said Michael Duke, President of Galway Rotary Club.

“Additionally, local Rotary Clubs provide donations to the Rotary International Fund, which responds to natural disasters throughout the world.” he added.

Ciaran Hayes, Acting Galway City Manager was the guest speaker at the Rotary dinner meeting and he gave a presentation on homelessness in Galway.

Michael Duke, said: “Ciaran Hayes shared his personal experiences with candour and opened our eyes to the homeless situation here in Galway".

Rotary, founded in 1905, is a volunteer organization of 1.2 million business and professional leaders uniting to provide humanitarian service and goodwill through community service projects. Rotary club members work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self.

Feel free to join them for a meeting to see what your Galway Rotarians are doing for your community. Meetings are held every Tuesday from 1 – 2PM at Hotel Meyrick (lunch included ). For more information visit


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