Over The Edge Writers’ Gathering

AMERICAN, IRISH, and British poets will read from their work at the September Over The Edge Writers Gathering in The Kitchen at the Galway City Museum on Friday September 9 at 8pm.

The readers are Richard W Halperin, Jane Clarke, and CP Stewart. Richard W Halperin was chief of teacher education for UNESCO, Paris, until 2005 and he will read from his poetry collection, Anniversary, which was published last year by Salmon.

Yorkshire’s CP Stewart was formerly lead vocalist and songwriter with the cult band Laughing Gravy. His poetry has been widely published in Canada, Australia, Ireland, England and the United States.

Roscommon born Jane Clarke has had her poetry published in Cyphers, Crannóg, Revival, and The Shop. In 2007 she won the Listowel Writers’ Week Prize.

Also reading on the night will be members of the Galway-based poetry workshop, The Skylight Poets, who will showcase their new anthology, Mosaic. Edited by Sarah Clancy, Des Kavanagh, Deirdre Kearney and Kevin O’Shea, the book has already garnered praise from renowned poets Moya Cannon and Mary O’Malley.

Admission is free and all are welcome.


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