Try your hand at collaborative drawing

DO YOU like drawing? Would you like to have a go even if you know you can hardly draw a crooked line?

Whatever your ability, all you need to bring is some enthusiasm for the collaborative drawing workshop in the Galway Arts Centre with Artspace Studio artists Simon Fleming and Triona Mac Giolla Ri each Friday in August (August 5, 12, 19, and 26 ) from 6pm to 8pm.

Drawing notebooks are passed around and each participant either adds something to an existing page, a blank page or even erases and replaces an existing drawing with his/herown.

Participants are welcome to bring their own materials but the workshop will have a variety of materials on hand from pencils and ink to paper for collage. The artists will talk you through it and show you some of their own work.

Participants are encouraged to come up with inspiration themselves but idea cards will also be provided.

At the end some time will be spent reviewing the drawings with some being selected and exhibited as part of the Artspace show.

All ages and abilities are welcome. For more information contact the Galway Arts Centre, 47 Dominick Street, on 091 - 565886.


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