Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

IT HAS been a wait of 10 years but, boy, has it been worth it as the concluding chapter of the Harry Potter saga packs a punch, with amazing graphics, and plenty of action, as well as dramatic intensity at the right moments, all leading to a breathtaking show-down between Voldemort’s minions and a defiant Hogwarts.

Despite the long wait between each of the books, and films, there was always one certainty, that Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort would one day face each other and duel to the death. Fans have been eagerly awaiting that moment and director David Yates has pulled the rabbit out of the magic hat, producing a fantastic movie which not only does the final book justice, but also acts as a magnicient tribute and final farewell to such a phenomenal story.

This film leaves off exactly where part one finished with Harry (Daniel Radcliffe ), Hermione (Emma Watson ), and Ron (Rupert Grint ) hatching yet another plan to track down and destroy the horcruxes, starting with them sneaking into a vault at Gringotts. Yates gets straight into the action here with a rollercoaster ride into the depths of the vaults and a rather hairy dragon ride; however there is also some rare light relief provided by Helena Bonham Carter.

The trio’s quest finally leads them back to Hogwarts which, under the watchful eye of new headmaster Severus Snape (Alan Rickman ), has been changed into a dreary place where students are in constant fear. However, with the help of his loyal friends Harry instigates a rebellion, with Professor McGonagall (Maggie Smith ) showing her battle spirit.

Not long after this liberation Hogwarts is under immediate threat with Voldemort giving the ultimatum - hand over Harry or face death. Refusing to give in to these demands the students, together with the remaining Order of the Pheonix members, face their enemies and take many casualties. Throughout these battle scenes the action and the graphics are simply amazing, but Yates still manages to ensure that many characters are given their chance to shine; Nevill Longbottom (Matthew Lewis ) is particularly heroic. While his friends face mortal danger Harry comes to the realision that the ultimate sacrifice must be made to end this war for good; this is sparked by the demise of Snape and we finally get to see his true colours. I’ve always been a fan of Rickman, and he doesn’t fail to deliver scenes here which are very poignant.

The film expertly builds up to a finale of epic proportions with Harry and Voldemort finishing together what they began. While it is sad that this is the end, it was an end which was worth the wait, and will be watched time and time again.

Verdict: 5/5


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