Get talking with Electric Bridget’s Chat Show

ELECTRIC BRIDGET have entertained and impressed audiences with their theatre shows like Curl Up & Dye, Waiting For Elvis, and The Grippe Girls, but their new show promises to be something quite different.

Chat Show by the Electric Bridget duo of Eileen Gibbons and Helen Gregg is not a theatre show or a play. Instead the duo will perform an improvisational comic chat show where they talk to each other and the audience.

Electric Bridget are inviting ideas from the public for issues to discuss at the show. Do you have an issue you would like to see debated? A question you want answered once and for all? Anything is up for discussion but if you just want to sit back and listen to the conversations that is OK too.

Ideas and suggestions for the show can be emailed to or posted on their Facebook page.

Chat Show runs at the Nuns Island Theatre from Monday July 18 to Saturday 23 at 10pm. Tickets are €14/12 from the Town Hall (091 - 569777 or ).


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