Get a whiter than white Hollywood smile with a Polar White Pro Pen at Therapie

Teeth whitening has been taken to a whole new level with the arrival of the Polar White Pro Pen, available at Therapie Clinic on Shop Street. Developed by professionals, it has been clinically proven to gently but dramatically whiten even the most stained and tarnished teeth, by up to six shades after just six applications. It is an entirely safe and painless treatment and suitable for even the most sensitive teeth.

TV3’s Xpose featured the product last week and it has had nothing but rave reviews and is flying off the shelves in Therapie. The beauty is the speed and effective nature of the product, simply brush on and leave for 60 seconds for the glaze to dry — no more messy trays or strips. Better still is the low cost, only €24.95 compared with the hundreds of euro you would pay for some other whitening treatments.

Apply two or three times per day for one week, and thereafter apply once or twice per week or as required. This could be deemed the must-have product of the year. To get your hands on one simply drop into Therapie Clinic or call (091 ) 539900 and Therapie will deliver Polar White Pro to you.


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