Motorists’ support for speed cameras remains high

Irish motorists are still strongly in favour of speed cameras and that support has strengthened since the cameras were introduced, according to an AA poll.

However, a minority remains unconvinced, and there is still some public cynicism that is a ‘money making exercise’.

The survey asked drivers a series of questions about speed cameras and tracked those answers against the responses given in a previous poll last September before the system went live.

Eight out of 10 motorists believe that the ‘Go Safe’ mobile speed vans, part of the 2007 to 2012 Road Safety Strategy, are a legitimate and effective means of stamping out speeding at accident black spots.

“Irish drivers deserve great credit for how they have responded to the road safety initiatives of recent years,” Conor Faughnan of AA Ireland told the Advertiser.

“Improved driver behaviour is the one key reason why our road deaths and injuries have been trending down. Clearly we haven’t won this fight yet, and it will never be acceptable to have 200 Irish people dying on the roads each year, but real progress has been made.”

According to the findings of the latest AA Poll, 78 per cent of drivers are either fully or somewhat in favour of the ‘Go Safe’ speed surveillance system, a support rating which has remained virtually unchanged since last September before the launch of the Go Safe fleet.

Encouragingly the results of the poll also reveals that the number of drivers who are strongly in support of the speed cameras model has increased by 10 per cent to 49.7 per cent since last September.


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