Cases Wine Warehouse on the Tuam Rd will host a Christmas Wine Fair in aid of Enable Ireland on Thursday November 13. Cases who are celebrating their first year in business have chosen Enable Ireland as their charity partner for the coming year.
The Christmas Wine Fair will feature as many as 15 wine companies on the night whose wines from around the globe can be sampled in a relaxed, friendly and social atmosphere. Plenty of entertainment will also be on hand to get people in the party mood, featuring classical duo Kristina and Diana Emberg among others.
There are lots of prizes to be won on the night and opportunities for you to purchase Christmas gifts at a great price. Not forgetting the wedding section where you can sample wines for selection for the big day!
Tickets priced €20 include entry to the fair on the night as well as the chance to win a fabulous door prize of a magnum of champagne.
Proceeds from the event will go towards the Enable Ireland hydrotherapy pool currently under construction at the Children’s Centre on the Seamus Quirke Rd. To order your tickets or for more information call Joanne on 091-526 321, email or call Peter on 091 764 701 email: