Obama victory - What does Galway think?

Michael D Higgins

Labour Party president and Galway West TD

“Barack Obama’s election creates opportunities for the American people and globally. Someone with such a background in terms of intellectual ability, moral commitment, and ability to communicate is important.

“I was in the US in 1966/67 and I felt even then that a black man would at some point become president, but the speed at which it came to pass is wonderful. That is a credit to America. What’s also important is that in a time of cynicism he has brought so many people into the political process.

“The talk about his ‘inexperience’ is rubbish. He came through Chicago politics, the US Senate, and was on the Harvard Law Review, these are qualifications. Now compare that with George W Bush.

“Some believe that an Obama presidency will be bad economically for Ireland, but American companies invest here because they make good profits and there is a highly educated workforce. I suspect the bottom line will continue to count.

“Obama is becoming president at a time when the current economic model has collapsed and a new model for a social economy is being discussed and the possibility of a new economy emerging.”

Cllr Padraig Conneely

The Mayor of Galway

“From day one I was for Barack Obama, even against Hillary Clinton. I had my doubts they would vote for a coloured man but the world is changing. This election shows colour is no longer an issue and that is a good thing.

America for the last few years has become a hated country due to the policies of the Bush Administration. I think though that Barack Obama is a breath of fresh air and a new light that will make America respected throughout the world again. Just look at when he went to Berlin - a quarter of a million people turned out to see him.

“Obama faces enormous challenges but the US has a different system to the ministerial one we have here. He can appoint, hire, and fire the best economic advisors to help him. He is young and new but he is not foolish. He will listen and learn.”

Paul Shelly

Incoming president of Galway Chamber

“I am delighted with president-elect Obama’s landslide victory. I thought we would see the day a black man would become president. Obama is a great choice and one Americans should be proud of.

“I believe Obama has a huge appetite for change and now he has a mandate. Change and action is essential. The world will be hoping that the promised changes for good, both economically and socially, will come from President Obama.

“Ireland owes past US administrations a considerable debt with our US Inward Investment Programmes and I have no doubt that under President Obama’s administration, Ireland will continue to punch above its weight.”

Chris Okeke

Association of Nigerians in Galway

“It’s very positive. There is hope for peace, freedom, and prosperity. It’s an inspiration for everybody, but especially black people. In every generation black America has felt a responsibility to strive for freedom and liberty - Brooker T Washington, Martin Luther King...the election of Barack Obama is a surprise but also a dream come true that we are alive to see it.

“There are many challenges ahead but I think Obama was destined to be president. He has Joe Biden who is good on foreign policy and he will work with the Republicans to heal divisions and bring America forward.

“His election will also be good for Africa. Obama has given hope to Africans who never had hope before. He recognises his Kenyan roots, he has faced discrimination himself, and he will be interested in Africa. He is in a position to advise African leaders and encourage them to come into civil society.”

Andres Martorell

Singer and musician from Uruguay, now living in Galway

“I’m very happy with the election of Barack Obama. I wasn’t interested in the race of the candidates or black v white, for me his ideology was more important and I think he is someone who can help the world.

“I think he can make a lot of changes and is the right person for these difficult times. The US faced a recession in the 1930s and was able to overcome it. I’m confident Obama can do the same and be able to deal with the wars as well as the economy.

“US-South American relations will also improve under Obama. In Uruguay, a recent poll showed 80 per cent were in favour of Obama. I think there will be less interference and the US will stop harassing the President of Venezuela Hugo Chávez. They created a lot of tension and concern in South America.

“Obama is more relaxed than Bush and less prone to acting on impulse. He will think more about the actions he has to take.”

Treasa Ní Cheannabháin

Galway Palestinian Children’s Appeal and Galway Palestine Solidarity Campaign

“With a John McCain presidency we would have got more of the same as under Bush, but with Barack Obama I am very hopeful. I didn’t think I would see in my lifetime a black man as US president.

“Obama ran on the ticket of ‘Yes We Can’ and ‘Change’. We will have to see if he delivers but he voted against the Iraq war and the Democratic Party will have a majority to implement his ideas. I think his presidency will result in taking away the bad taste in the mouth left by the Bush Administration every time America is mentioned.

“Unfortunately I don’t think there will be any change on the US approach to the Middle East. As far back as March/April he said he was 100 per cent behind Israel. I would love to see him do what no other US president has done and go to Gaza, meet ordinary Palestinians, and see the suffering they have to endure.”


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