A theatrical game for Galway

GALWEGIANS ARE being asked to solve a series of mysterious clues both on-line and on the city streets in order to help unite two young lovers.

This is G Loves T, a theatre piece and game which takes place over three weeks online and on foot around Galway and is an experiment to try new ways of engaging with audiences who do not usually go to theatre.

G Loves T is based loosely on Romeo and Juliet. The game pits two feuding families, the Capulets from Bohermore and the Montagues from Claddagh, against each other. Participants in the game will become either a Capulet or a Montague and solve riddles, follow clues and complete tasks to find a missing message – all while fending off their sworn enemies.

“The game is part treasure hunt, part cryptic crossword, part adventure,” explains theatre artist Máiréad Ní Chróinín, who developed the game as part of her work as theatre artist in residence at Nuns Island. “It’s a combination of traditional puzzle-solving and technology. Some of the time you will be solving clues using tools like Facebook or QR code readers, and some of the time you will be figuring out riddles or swopping codewords with a stranger on the street.”

Ní Chróinín is keen for everyone to get involved. “This is a game for young and old alike,” she says. “You need the internet and a mobile phone. The clues will be hidden online and around the city itself. You don’t have to be online every day in order to play. You just need imagination and a sense of fun!”

G Loves T will run parallel to the Galway Loves Theatre season in the Nuns Island Theatre from July 11 to 23. For more information see www.galwaylovestheatre.com or www.facebook.com/nunsislandtheatre


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