NUIG among the winners at Royal Academy Annual Doctor Awards

NUI Galway was among the award winners at the recent Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Annual Doctor Awards in Dublin. Andrew Murphy, Professor of General Practice at NUI Galway, and his SPHERE team were awarded both the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Award for Best General Practice Paper, and the overall Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Award for Best Research Paper published by an Irish doctor in 2011.

The SPHERE study was published in the British Medical Journal and focuses on the secondary prevention of heart disease in General Practice; it was funded by the Health Research Board and the Irish Heart Foundation.

NUI Galway’s John Laffey, Professor of Anaesthesia, and his research group were also awarded the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland 2011 Prize in the Anaesthesia/Pain category. This work, published in the British Journal of Anaesthesia, investigated the efficacy of novel airway devices to reduce the dangers in people at higher risk for difficult or failed tracheal intubation, which can cause serious harm in patients who are undergoing major surgery or who require artificial respiration in the Intensive Care Units.

Professor Fidelma Dunne, Head of the School of Medicine at NUI Galway, commended both research teams on their achievements at the highly competitive event.


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