Be a bronze Goddess this summer

I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m busy applying the bronzing powder these days. I don’t allow myself to naturally tan and instead opt for either the bottled tan or powdered version as it’s safer and better for your skin.

Right now I’m really liking the new Isadora bronzing powder. In response to many requests Isadora recently launched a new shimmer free bronzing powder. “Matte Tan” has all the characteristics and benefits of its famed “Golden” and “Dark” Tan sisters, and is ideal for those seeking a tanned look.

That’s not all Isadora have also launched their new make-up brush. Make-up experts agree that brushes are a ‘must use’ with bronzing powders. Isadora Body Bronzing Brush has finely clustered hairs which deposit the powder evenly on the skin. One can very simply build one’s ‘tan’ with additional sweeps of this high precision kabuki brush, be it on the face, décolleté, shoulders or arms.

Isadora Bronzing Powders and Body Bronzing Brush are available from selected pharmacies nation-wide at €25.95 and €19.95 respectively. Stockists details are available from (01 ) 2015400.


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