Flag day raises almost €5,000 for Galway Rape Crisis Centre

A recent fundraiser for Galway Rape Crisis Centre raised almost €5,000 for the organisation. The money generated by its flag day will help the centre to continue providing counselling and support services to survivors of sexual violence and abuse in the west of Ireland.

Thanking the public for their contributions a spokesperson for the GRCC said it depends heavily on the generosity of Galway people to continue its work.

“Time and time again, the people of Galway city and county have not let us down. All of the monies collected have gone towards our free services.

“The centre would also like to say a huge thank you to all of our volunteers who gave their time freely to help with the collection. We are extremely grateful for all of their time, effort and enthusiasm. Without them the collection would not have been possible.

“The centre provides crisis and long term counselling sessions for men and women throughout Galway city and county, a helpline service, 24 hour call out to recent assault, legal information, court and gardai accompaniment, prevention and awareness in schools and training for professionals. While demand for its services are increasing unfortunately funding is being cut.”


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