.... Advertiser.ie - Tis the season for detox

Tis the season for detox

Feeling tired and bloated after over-indulging over the bank holiday and Halloween? With less than eight weeks to Christmas there is no better time to kick-start your body back into shape than now. Sometimes you just know you've overdone it. Your mind is sluggish, your body feels uncomfortable and your energy levels are close to zero. It's time for a detox and Energie Fitness for Women is here to help.

The first step in the detoxification process is to cleanse the body from the inside out. Ultralife Detox Product is probably the most effective cleansing and detoxification product on the market. It has been formulated to support a healthy digestive system, promote normal bowel function, and eliminate toxins. We know it is important to brush our teeth every day, but it is equally important to keep our digestive and intestinal systems clean on a daily basis. Failure to do so results in an accumulation of waste material and toxins, which can lead to a variety of health conditions. Sufficient daily consumption of fibre plays a key role in digestive and intestinal health and each serving of Ultralife Detox contributes significantly towards the minimum recommended daily intake of fibre.

The average adult carries up to three kilograms of waste that has not been properly expelled, increasing the incidence of back pain and lethargy. Removing this and facilitating the development of a healthy intestine will assist greater absorption of protein, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from food. Special back to gym kits including mini detox, mini slim shakes, and ultralife shaker available at Energie Fitness for Women now with a special offer of 10 per cent off.

Secondly, exercise brings much needed oxygen into your body, it elevates your good hormones and you can function at a more optimal level. No detox is complete without exercise. The detox process aims to give your body an opportunity to cleanse itself, flushing any toxins from your system and therefore there are several types of exercise that can help with this process and that are recommended while detoxing.  These types of exercise typically focus upon aerobic exercise in that the exercise aims to increase your heart-rate into your 'fat burning zone' (intensity of around six to seven out of 10 ) and encourage deep, diaphragmatic breath that helps flush your lymphatic system. Here at Energie, we host a wide array of aerobic classes free with your membership and open to non-members. They are suitable for all ages and fitness levels. We have a fantastic class schedule including the very popular kick boxercise, body conditioning, aerotone, dance and step aerobics and hip hop dance. We also have new yoga and Pilates courses starting in November which will take you right through to Christmas, so why not sign up now?

If you need a good kick start to help ease you back into fitness why not try our six week empower programme which would help you get in shape just in time for Christmas. We are encouraging locals to join our six week programme, you commit to at least two sessions a week and a further session each week with our instructor and we guarantee results. You receive close personal attention over the six weeks and each week we cover a new session on exercise or nutrition. So far we have seen fantastic results.

Energie now has sunbeds, open to both members and non-members. Come along to our free Nutrition seminar this Friday in the club at 6pm.BY REGINA GREENAN - club manager

Feeling tired and bloated after over-indulging over the bank holiday and Halloween? With less than eight weeks to Christmas there is no better time to kick-start your body back into shape than now. Sometimes you just know you've overdone it. Your mind is sluggish, your body feels uncomfortable and your energy levels are close to zero. It's time for a detox and Energie Fitness for Women is here to help.

The first step in the detoxification process is to cleanse the body from the inside out. Ultralife Detox Product is probably the most effective cleansing and detoxification product on the market. It has been formulated to support a healthy digestive system, promote normal bowel function, and eliminate toxins. We know it is important to brush our teeth every day, but it is equally important to keep our digestive and intestinal systems clean on a daily basis. Failure to do so results in an accumulation of waste material and toxins, which can lead to a variety of health conditions. Sufficient daily consumption of fibre plays a key role in digestive and intestinal health and each serving of Ultralife Detox contributes significantly towards the minimum recommended daily intake of fibre.

The average adult carries up to three kilograms of waste that has not been properly expelled, increasing the incidence of back pain and lethargy. Removing this and facilitating the development of a healthy intestine will assist greater absorption of protein, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from food. Special back to gym kits including mini detox, mini slim shakes, and ultralife shaker available at Energie Fitness for Women now with a special offer of 10 per cent off.

Secondly, exercise brings much needed oxygen into your body, it elevates your good hormones and you can function at a more optimal level. No detox is complete without exercise. The detox process aims to give your body an opportunity to cleanse itself, flushing any toxins from your system and therefore there are several types of exercise that can help with this process and that are recommended while detoxing.  These types of exercise typically focus upon aerobic exercise in that the exercise aims to increase your heart-rate into your 'fat burning zone' (intensity of around six to seven out of 10 ) and encourage deep, diaphragmatic breath that helps flush your lymphatic system. Here at Energie, we host a wide array of aerobic classes free with your membership and open to non-members. They are suitable for all ages and fitness levels. We have a fantastic class schedule including the very popular kick boxercise, body conditioning, aerotone, dance and step aerobics and hip hop dance. We also have new yoga and Pilates courses starting in November which will take you right through to Christmas, so why not sign up now?

If you need a good kick start to help ease you back into fitness why not try our six week empower programme which would help you get in shape just in time for Christmas. We are encouraging locals to join our six week programme, you commit to at least two sessions a week and a further session each week with our instructor and we guarantee results. You receive close personal attention over the six weeks and each week we cover a new session on exercise or nutrition. So far we have seen fantastic results.

Energie now has sunbeds, open to both members and non-members. Come along to our free Nutrition seminar this Friday in the club at 6pm.


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