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Stressin’ out

Stress. We can’t live with it, but unfortunately for most of us, we also can’t live without it.

So, as National Stress Awareness Day comes upon us this Wednesday, First Living takes a look at some of the ways you can overcome those stressful times in your life and get back to being yourself.

Exercise on a regular basis

Hop on that treadmill. Physical activity, which improves your mood, re-energizes your body, and distracts you from the source of your stress, is one of the most effective stress remedies around and can often have surprising results. Add to this that people who exercise tend to eat healthier (another factor that helps your body beat stress ) and you’ve got yourself a recipe for a more healthy, stress-free life.

Get a good night’s sleep

A lack of sleep just aggravates stress and can lead to a cyclical pattern of insomnia that could be extremely difficult to break.

Relax yourself

Try out different forms of relaxation techniques to find out what works best for you. Deep breathing, yoga, and meditation have all been proven to be very successful ways of calming stress.

Set realistic goals

Remember that you cannot be everywhere at once. When there is too much on your plate start delegating. Whether it be workload, family responsibilities, or extracurricular activities there is always someone around who can help take some of the load.

Develop a good support system

Sit down and write out a list of all the most important people in your life, the people you know would be there through thick and thin. Once listed make an effort to get into contact with each of them a few times a week. Whether it be a quick phonecall, a tea break, or a meal in town, surrounding yourself with these people and letting them know how you feel will take a tremendous weight off your shoulders.

Talk it out

Sit down with someone you know and trust and talk out your issues. As difficult as it may be, sometimes getting your problems off your chest and out in the open can actually do a world of good, as well as letting you feel a little less alone with your problems.

Take a break

Just stop. Take a deep breath. Sit down and relax. Take a bubble bath. Drink a cup of tea. Hug your partner. Sometimes just taking a quick break can help relieve stress, even if it is only for a moment.

If self help strategies such as these are not working or you find that you are turning to drugs and/or alcohol in order to cope with your situation, you may wish to seek outside or professional assistance with your stress symptoms. Contact your local GP or the Psychiatric Unit at University Hospital Galway on 091-524222.


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