Critical Mass Galway cycle

Critical Mass Galway will have its one year anniversary cycle on Saturday May 7 in order to highlight issues of concern to the city’s cyclists.

Critical Mass Galway holds a community cycle almost every month for people of various ages and abilities to remind Galway that bikes and cars must share the road; that the Galway City Council “needs to work more diligently on practical and innovative solutions to long-standing road issues”; that city planning “needs to do a better job at integrating all modes of transport, not just the automobile”; and that bicycles are “a fun, efficient and practical way of getting around the city”.

Critical Mass Galway is also calling on all cyclists to obey the rules of the road, improve the relationship between drivers and cyclists, and increase cyclist visibility and awareness.

The anniversary cycle will begin at the entrance to NUI, Galway next to Eglinton Canal at 12 noon. The cycle takes approximately one hour and all are welcome. See


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