Food is a powerful tool. It affects your mind, your body, and how you use the precious energy you have. You can utilise how food works or waste it. You can age slower or faster. You can reverse disease or make things worse. It is up to you. Earth’s Medicine is a company offering a personal one to one coaching service with a raw food specialist.
This is a personalised three week programme, which is aimed at treating your health concerns, it is not a one shoe fits all approach. This programme is also aimed at treating children with ADHD, asthma, eczema, etc.
Earth’s Medicine will teach you the tools to heal yourself and your family. Arthritis, depression, insomnia, fatigue, weight loss, cancer, menopause, high blood pressure, cholesterol, IBS, migraine, acne, and PMS are all exacerbated by and stem from diet. Learn how to use food in combating infertility. Having a food coach can be the support you need to install new habits and patterns as well as helping you recover from an illness more quickly. It guides you on how to introduce as much raw food as possible into your diet, and demonstrate recipes in the privacy of your own home.
Learn how alkalising and detoxing your blood is the missing link to vibrant health. Step by step you will integrate the personalised eating guidelines into your daily life and in doing so, build yourself back up again. It follows a strategy of small steps, whose successes become visible after only a few days and motivate you to continue. You will gain skills on how to grow your own wheatgrass, detox naturally, grow sprouts, super juice, and how to make your own winter tonics as well as much more. Equip yourself to heal yourself and your family the natural way. Achieve regeneration and wholeness in body and mind with Earth’s Medicine.
If you are interested in raw food classes, which teach you how prepare raw food meals, sprouts, grow wheatgrass, and create super juices for your and your children, call raw food specialist and food coach Yvonne Duffy O’Shaughnessy at (087 ) 0573098. Places are limited and booking is essential. You can also book by emailing