Mary McEvoy to launch new book in Charlie Byrne’s

Mary McEvoy, one of Ireland’s best-loved actresses, will launch her first book How The Light Gets In, in Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop on Tuesday April 26 at 6.30pm.

Mary is best known for playing Biddy Byrne in Glenroe for almost 20 years. Her book deals with her own experience of living with undiagnosed depression for many years. Mary describes her experiences of living with the condition, her methods of coping, and what she has learned and gained through her experience.

She also looks at the broader question as to why depression is so prevalent today, and shares her insights into how a person can not only learn to cope with depression, but ultimately live life to its full potential.

For further information contact Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop on 091-561766 or e-mail


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