Feel good about yourself with the Curves’ annual food

Curves Annual Food Drive is currently under way and will run until April 16. You can join Curves, and the company will waive its usual service fee in exchange for a bag of non-perishable groceries or toiletries that will be donated and distributed throughout the Galway area to shelters for the needy. This is a great opportunity to get in shape and help your local community.

The concept of Curves is simple — it is a gym where women change their lives 30 minutes at a time, by participating in a proven 30 minute workout, with the support of well trained and highly motivated staff. The Curves workout is a complete workout including all five necessary components — warm up, aerobic exercise, strength training, cool down, and stretching. Curves uses hydraulic resistance, so there are no weight stacks to manage or change. It now offers its new state of the art technology, Curves Smart, a programme which is customised to your specific requirements with minute by minute feedback. Curves monitors your progress regularly with measurements and body fat analysis as staff help you reach your fitness goals. Curves also features a highly successful weight management programme that is free to all members. It recently introduced the Curves circuit with Zumba, so you can shake it up while you get in shape.

Why not take this great opportunity to join the number one franchise in women's fitness and help your community as well? Check out www.curves.com, call (091 ) 781000 for an appointment, or drop in to Curves at Liosban Business Park on the Tuam Road. You'll be glad you did.


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