Gort youngters celebrate new school opening

Gort youngters were in celebratory mood this week when their school, Gaelscoil na bhFilí, was officially opened.

Local Peterswell man James Fahy and a group of enthusiastic parents were the initital driving force behind the school’s establishment, and when it first opened its doors under principal Gráinne Ní Allúin in September 2007, it boasted just 20 children. Today príomh Oide Bríd Ní Dhochartaigh, looks after three times that number with classes ranging from naíonán bheaga (junior infants ) to Rang 5. And it has already enjoyed success with students winning first prizes at the recent Féile na hInse in Ennis.

The school now boasts a new suite of classrooms and ancillary facilities donated by GAMA Construction, following its completion of the new Gort by-pass. Dignitaries attending the opening included Minister for Training and Skills Ciárán Cannon who unveiled the commemorative plaque, Galway & Clarinbridge hurling star Alan Kerins, Noírín Ní Loinsigh (Ó Gaelscoileanna ), Padraig Mac Fhlannachadha (Ó Conradh na Gaelige ), and Dónal Ó Conaill (Ón bhForas ).

Speaking at the opening, the Minister said the school has grown considerably since its opening in 2007 and hadclearly demonstrated the benefits of the community in Gort working together to achieve a common goal.

"The pupils, staff and board of management at the school together with the parents have steadfastly shown their commitment to the school, to the community and to the language," said Minister Cannon

In addressing the parents, the Minister urged parents to continue to speak Irish with their children.

"It is only by doing this that you will reinforce the messages that the children hear in school that Irish is indeed a vibrant, rich and living language."


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