Tenant purchase scheme relaunched

The tenant purchase scheme for long-standing tenants of the Galway City Council has been relaunched, offering tenants the opportunity to buy their own homes from the council at a reduced rate.

A maximum of 45 per cent discount is available on the current market value of houses based on a rate of three per cent discount per year of tenancy with a maximum allowance of 15 years.

The scheme is only in place for 2011, and applies only to tenants with more than 10 years’ tenancy.

Qualifying tenants will be contacted directly by the council, and must complete applications before the end of the year.

Tenants looking to buy houses must obtain finance, however it is up to the discretion of the local authority if they wish to offer a loan service to those who do not qualify for a loan.

Applications will be available in the next two weeks from City Hall.


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