Cameron leads Labour to untie the city

The election is well over and the posters of grinning candidates gone but the poster ties which held them up are still an eyesore on many lampposts and poles.

However Labour councillor Billy Cameron is leading a blitz on election poster ties and has mobilised a team in each ward of the city for a major clean up.

Teams are made up of a councillor from each of the three wards of the city, members, friends, and supporters who intend to rid the city, and in particular tourist sites, of the “unsightly blight” on the city landscape.

Cllr Cameron said the poles around the tourist attractions like the Cathedral and the Salmon Weir Bridge, “are caked in ties so we will begin there”.

“This project is one which I have been considering ever since election day and have spoken to my fellow Labour councillors about organising a cleaning blitz,” said Cllr Cameron.

He was also critical of other parties for employing companies, instead of party members, to remove the posters and poster ties.

“Labour engage with friends locally to put up and remove posters and ties but other parties who employ companies from out of town are responsible for the mess that’s created,” he said. “These companies simply remove the posters with no regard to the removal of ties. There are still a significant number of election poster ties spread throughout the city. We aim over a couple of week-ends to clean our city of them.”

Cllr Cameron said he will also raise the issue with the other main party whips and demand that in future elections, the responsibility of removing the ties should be divided among the parties.


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