Joyces’ Ulysses in graphics and sculpture

SCENES FROM James Joyce’s Ulysses have been imagined, depicted, and interpreted by two Irish artists for an exhibition as part of this year’s Cúirt festival.

The Norman Villa Gallery in Salthill is hosting this exhibition by Charlie Cullen and Eamonn O’Doherty. It will open on Wednesday at 6pm. Sculptor John Behan will be the guest speaker.

Charlie Cullen lectured in the National College of Art where he was head of painting. He is a member of Aosdána and one of the founding members of the Project Arts Centre. He finds Joyce’s Ulysses a constant inspiration and his etchings based on the novel, featured in this exhibition, have been exhibited widely and greatly admired.

Eamonn O’Doherty is a sculptor painter, print maker, and photographer. He is best known for his large scale sculptures such as the Quincenntenial Sculpture in Eyre Square and Anna Livia sculpture (popularly known as ‘The Floozie in The Jacuzzi’ ) in Dublin.

The exhibition runs until April 30.


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