Give the road a name says McNelis

A city councillor is calling for the road between the Rahoon and Western Distributor roads, which runs along Millars Lane football pitches, to be given a name.

The road is officially known as the L5000 but Labour councillor Niall McNelis said it needs to be given a proper, recognisable, title.

“As more people are using the diversion for traffic as works progress for Seamus Quirke Road’s upgrade development, naming the road would help in giving directions and also in media reports for traffic,” he said.

He said the naming of the road could be done with the help of the Gailllimhe Le Gaelige place names committee with the road being named after “someone or some event from the locality”.

Cllr McNelis also wants to see a major clean up of the road.

“I have received a large number of calls from residents and users of the road who use it in the evenings for walks, this needs to be done and will not take a huge amount of work,” he said. “If this gets a big clean up by the council, the management company on the other side will play its role in cleaning up the area


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