New N6 works scheme will ‘reduce congestion’, say GTU

A major scheme to make the N6 roadway within the Galway city area is being undertaken to reduce traffic congestion and make the city more accessible to pedestrians and cyclist.

This is the view of Jim Molloy of the Galway Transportation Unit, who was speaking about the new Bothar na dTreabh (N6 ) Multi-Modal Corridor Improvement Scheme.

“The scheme is a very important,” he said. “It will benefit the city by improving road safety for all road users on the N6 corridor, particularly pedestrians and cyclists and reduce public transport journey times. We will also plan the works to avoid major events in Galway such as the Galway Races.”

The Bothar na dTreabh (N6 ) scheme is being undertaken by the Galway Transportation Unit, the city council, and the National Roads Authority, and arose from the view that despite the completion of the M6 inter urban route last year, that there was still a need to review the function of the N6 corridors to ensure they provide national road access and respond to local needs.

The scheme’s key objectives are to ensure the national road network within Galway protects and supports growth of the regional economy; to reduce the environmental impact of transport; facilitate and encourage sustainable travel modes; ensure future development of the N6 is integrated with a shared vision for future development of the public transport network; promote integration of walking and cycling links; ensure future development of the N6 is integrated with proposals for upgrading the local and regional road network; improve road safety for all road users; and improve access to schools, third level institutions, hospitals, and large employment areas.

The Galway scheme is being used as a pilot for the other major urban centres. The NRA has designated €4 million in funding for 2011 to the city council for the scheme, specifically to improve accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists.

Work is also underway to prepare designs for upgrades to the junctions. These are being costed and schemes are being prioritised in accordance with funding availability for this year.

The works will consist of upgrading the existing roundabouts to signalised junctions that will incorporate facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. Improvements to facilitate future public transport upgrades will also be made.

The first phase of the proposed improvements is being presented now as part of the statutory Part 8 process. Additional proposals will be presented through the Part 8 process in the coming months. The first phase will consist of upgrading the Lynch Roundabout at Briarhill.


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