Compántas Lir stages classic Friel play in Town Hall this weekend

Claregalway-Carnmore drama group Compántas Lir bring their awardwinning production of Brian Friel's classic play The Loves of Cass McGuire to the Town Hall Theatre, Galway this weekend.

The play, which is on its way to the All-Ireland Confined Finals in Wexford next month will run for two nights - Friday and Saturday, March 25-26 and these performances will be the last opportunity for Galway audiences to see it before it heads to the South East for the national finals.

The play is produced by Philip Cribbin and includes an experienced cast of Fidelma O'Rourke in the lead role, Vincent Moran, Carmel Kenny, the Hession family of Mike, Liz and Dermot, Paddy Greaney, Ann Moran, Brid Conneely and Ruth O'Driscoll.

Compantas Lir have been one of the top amateur drama groups in the country for the past three decades, qualifying for the All-Ireland finals on more than 20 occasions and picking up hundreds of acting and production awards along the way.

The play, set in the 1960s, deals with the return to Ireland of Cass McGuire. For over 50 years Cass has worked among bums in Sandwich Bar, a joint in the lower east side of New York, a block from Skid Row.

Upon her return to Ireland, her drinking and coarse manners embarrass her respectable family who reject her. Her brother has her committed to Eden House, a rest home for the elderly, but which Cass sees as the workhouse.

The play deals with her attempts to discover the home she dreamt of all her life and how she falls under the influence of other residents Trilbe Costello and Mr Ingram.

Tickets are still on sale for the two-night run in the Town Hall and are available at €15 and €12 from the box office at 091 569777. The ticket price for the Compántas Lir shows has not changed in a decade as they seek to maintain their loyal following which ensures a sell out run in the city venue each year. Book early to avoid disappointment.


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