BAROQUE MASTERWORKS, a concert featuring the music of Bach, Handel, and Telemann, tales place in NUI, Galway’s Bailey Allen Hall tomorrow at 8pm.
The programme will feature Telemann’s ‘Don Quixote’ and ‘Erscheine Bald, Du Irrstern Meiner Sinnen’; Handel’s ‘Felicissima Quest’alma’ and Concerto Grosso Op 6 No 12; and Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No 5 and Cantata No 202 ‘Weichet Nur, Betrübte Schatten’.
The performers on the night will be Catalonian soprano Nuria Rial; conductor Matthew Halls briefly held the baton with England’s celebrated King’s Consort, now in its 31st year of existence, and recently founded the Retrospect Ensemble; and The Irish Chamber Orchestra.
Tickets are €20/16/6 from Music for Galway (091 - 705962, ), Opus II the Cornstore, or