Government must ‘rule out nuclear option’ says Ó Brolcháin

Nuclear power generation must be completely ruled out as an option for Ireland and the new FG/Labour Government must resist “extensive lobbying by pro-nuclear campaigners”.

This is the view of Niall Ó Brolcháin who is running for a seat in Seanad Éireann and who has a nomination to the NUI panel for the upcoming election.

Mr Ó Brolcháin is concerned that the Government has left the door open for a possible move towards nuclear power in the Agreed Programme for Government.

“Nuclear power must not be allowed back onto the Irish political agenda,” he said. “It is not sustainable and is not suitable for Ireland for many reasons including health, safety, and basic economics as well as the many environmental concerns that will increase after recent events in Japan.”

Mr Ó Brolcháin said there is a need to address the fact that 90 per cent of Ireland’s energy requirement comes from imported fossil fuels. However he said that instead of going nuclear the State should instead take the opportunity to “become the world leader” in renewable energy.

“Ireland also has great opportunities to develop many other types of renewable energy, including ocean energy, bio-gas and solar energy,” he said. “Wind energy capacity more than doubled in the lifetime of the last Government. It can double again during the lifetime of the current Government providing many thousands of new jobs.”


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