Seoda Phádraig at Galway City Museum

SEODA PHÁDRAIG, the Annual St Patrick’s Festival Concert of ‘Music and Song of the Nation’ takes place in the Galway City Museum on Sunday at 8pm.

Presented by An Taibhdhearc na Gaillimhe, in association with composer and pianist Tom Cullivan, the concert will feature Connemara singer Seosamh Ó Flaithearta performing classics of Gaelic song; Galway bass Cormac Corcoran will sing works by Moore, Balfe, and French.

Tom Cullivan will accompany both singers and play a number of solo pieces, among them works by Turlough Ó Carolan. Cullivan’s ‘Second Sonata for Violin and Piano’ will be performed by Sebastien Petiet and Elena Gekker.

Admission is €15/12.50 and early arrival is advised.


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