A feast of Baroque music for Galway

CATALAN SOPRANO Nuria Rial, English conductor Matthew Halls, and The Irish Chamber Orchestra are bringing the music of Bach, Handel, and Telemann to Galway.

The concert, entitled Baroque Masterworks, takes place in the Bailey Allen Hall, NUI, Galway on Friday March 25 at 8pm.

Bach, Handel, and Telemann were the three giants from this golden era of music which ran from 1600 to 1750. The programme will feature Telemann’s ‘Don Quixote’ and ‘Erscheine Bald, Du Irrstern Meiner Sinnen’; Handel’s ‘Felicissima Quest’alma’ and Concerto Grosso Op 6 No 12; and Bach Brandenburg Concerto No 5 and Cantata No 202 ‘Weichet Nur, Betrübte Schatten’.

Handel’s Op 6 set of 12 concerti grossi, alongside Bach’s Brandenburg concertos of 20 years earlier, represent the genius and ultimate perfection of the concerto grosso.

Bach explored the various combinations of string, wind, and brass instruments while Handel pursued the Italian model of Corelli, advancing and refining the interplay comprised exclusively of strings. Telemann’s Don Quixote suite for strings and continuo depict different scenes from the adventures of Cervantes’ famous knight.

Nuria Rial has sung with prestigious orchestras including Kammerorchester Basel, Il Giardino Armonico, Concerto Köln, Seville Baroque Orchestra, Hungarian Symphony Orchestra, and the Zürich Chamber Orchestra.

English harpsichordist and conductor Matthew Halls has appeared with many modern and period European orchestras. He held the baton for a time with England’s celebrated King’s Consort and now leads its successor, the Retrospect Ensemble. The Irish Chamber Orchestra is funded by the Arts Council of Ireland.

Tickets are €20/16/6 from Music for Galway (091 - 705962, info@musicforgalway.ie ), Opus II the Cornstore, or www.tht.ie


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