Digital media for beginners at GMIT

An exciting introductory and digital media friendly course on how to use your computer and the internet will be run at GMIT this Easter. This new and improved computers for beginners course will start on Thursday April 14 at 7pm. The lecturer and course director is Dr Robert J Loughnane, who has specially prepared this course for people who have little or no knowledge of digital media or the internet.

This course will introduce participants to all aspects of digital media (digital camera, memory card readers, picture/photo editing, and transferring a video to an iPod ). Due to the high demand for this course Dr Loughnane is encouraging people to book early to avoid disappointment.

Dr Loughnane will show participants how to use Skype as well as how to transfer/back up their files onto both a memory stick and external hard drive. The importance of backing up files will be explained in detail. Each participant will also be given a demonstration of how to use an external hard drive with a laptop. Dr Loughnane will discuss the advantages and pitfalls of social networking sites such as Bebo and Facebook.

He will also cover typing letters, keyboard skills, household budgets, email and internet (online banking and booking flights ), and how to download music and film clips from the internet. Each course participant will create his or her own email address and will be given advice on which computer and software to purchase.

The course will run over six weeks each Thursday (7pm to 10pm ) and the new cost of this course is €130 per person. Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.

To enquire about a place contact GMIT Lifelong Learning at (091 ) 753161, ext 2145/direct dial (091 ) 742145/742270 or mobile (087 ) 2302056.

You can also book a place by sending a cheque, made payable to GMIT, along with your name, address, and telephone number, to Lifelong Learning, GMIT, Dublin Road, Galway.


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