Galway Community Acupuncture — affordable and accessible

The aim of Galway Community Acupuncture is to make acupuncture more accessible by making it more affordable. Treatments are provided in a comfortable and relaxed group setting. This way more than one person can be treated at a time, which allows the cost to be significantly lower. Treatments are offered on a sliding fee scale of €25 to €45.

The initial consultation is taken in a private room with a careful review of the client’s health history and current symptoms. Clients remain fully clothed during treatment and relax in comfortable reclining chairs.

Sliding fee scale

The sliding fee scale allows clients to choose their own treatment cost based on what they are able to afford. The purpose of the sliding fee scale is to separate the issues of money and treatment. The team at Galway Community Acupuncture understand that everyone’s situation is different, and their primary goal is to make acupuncture more accessible by making it more affordable. This ensures clients are able to return for treatment frequently enough and for long enough to get better and stay better.

Creating community

Treating clients in a community setting creates a powerful healing environment. Many people find treatment in a group space comforting. This collective stillness helps you to feel more relaxed, connected, and deeply supported.

Galway Community Acupuncture aims to inspire healthier living and is committed to making acupuncture a viable preventative health service to individuals and the community.

Maara Mulgrew Lic Ac, Dip Ac, C Ac (Nanjing, China ) is a professional member of the Acupuncture Foundation Professional Association (AFPA ) and the European Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (ETCMA ).

Galway Community Acupuncture is located at Sat Nam Centre, Ruxton Court, Dominick Street, Galway. To book an appointment contact (087 ) 970 1648. For more information visit


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