What do men want?

WHAT IS it men want? If you could probe into their psyche, what would it reveal? Perhaps that question can be answered by an little indulgence in the world of male fantasy.

Think about it - a luxury penthouse in Rio de Janeiro, where you live happily with Eva Longoria who lavishes her undivided attention on you; a library full of great literature and books on politics and history; widescreen HD TV with stereo surround system.

There would also be Jamie Oliver to cook up something great for you and Eva each evening; Eric Clapton and AC/DC’s Angus Young calling around for a jam session on the guitar; there would be swimming in the Copacabana; season tickets to the Maracanã; and Arsenal and Barcelona doing well while Man U struggle at the bottom of the Conference.

Maybe that’s just what I want!

Still strip it back and what it all means is that men like a home that is their castle, a companion for this life, worthwhile pursuits, some gadgets and gizmos, good friends, good food without the hassle, and a bit of sport. Add to that the male concerns of appearance, fear of middle age spread, aiming straight when going to the toilet, hair (or lack of it ), and the strange fear of commitment, and you start to have a picture of a man’s mind.

Galway actor, playwright, and director Peadar De Burca has drawn on all these items and more, delving deep into the male psyche - in all its complexity and strangeness - to produce his one man comedy/theatre show What Men Want.

What Men Want gets a welcome re-run at the Town Hall Theatre from Thursday November 6 to Saturday 8 at 8pm. The show will take audiences into the heart of how men think. It combines broad comedy and thoughtful observation in an amiable and briskly-paced show which involves some audience participation for extra craic!

For tickets contact the Town Hall on 091 - 569777.


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