Be safe, be seen and get your free reflective armband from Heaslips Dry Cleaners

It is not often, particularly in today’s tough economic environment, that we are given something for nothing, but that is exactly what Heaslips Dry Cleaners is doing.

The well known specialist drycleaners, which operates from Sean Mulvoy Road and Eyre Street in the city centre, is giving away reflective armbands, suitable for outdoor wear at night time.

The single armbands are easy to wear, not cumbersome, and perfect for slipping over any clothes. Designed to be lightweight and visible, the armbands provide added visibility for jogger, pedestrian or employee at dusk or night, and are also a good addition for industrial safety.

Heaslip Dry Cleaners say the armbands are free of charge, and this giveaway does not require any purchase.

The armbands can be collected during normal working hours at the two outlets.


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