The Galway Mayo Institute of Technology is now recruiting for the next Midlands & West Enterprise Programme (MWEP ) commencing in June 2011. This is a seven month programme providing entrepreneurs with business skills, networks, facilities and supports necessary to navigate and execute the business start-up process.
Applicants should ideally have a number of years industry experience and have the enthusiasm and drive necessary to develop and grow a successful business. Participants may apply to Enterprise Ireland for CORD funding, which could provide up to 50 per cent of previous year’s gross salary.
The MWEP provides participants with business acumen, office desk space, mentoring, networking, facilities, and supports necessary to help them in establishing and running their own businesses. Participants should have a business idea with growth and export potential.
“These new start-up companies will form the foundation for the next generation of Irish enterprises,” said George McCourt, Manager of the Innovation in Business Centre in GMIT and he added “We are looking forward to supporting the next generation of innovative start-ups in the region through the new programme.”
Thirteen high potential entrepreneurs are participating on the current MWEP. Products/services being developed include Innovative Medical Devices, Vehicle Telematics, Energy Solutions, Wireless Automation, Smart Business Directories, Water management, Reflexology products, NLP Digital media, Manufacturing software and Digital Rights Defense systems.
“Starting a new business is a very exciting time but there are many challenges to be addressed before you achieve success. The MWEP programme provided me with a structured approach through a series of modules presented by industry experts in areas like Market Research, Sources of Funding and Sales and Marketing. It also provided modern office facilities in a professional environment where you are working with other like-minded Entrepreneurs. An excellent environment for challenging and validating your business idea” said Tommy Tyrrell, MD, www.Irelands-Directory The MWEP may also be of interest to expatriates who are hoping to return home to set up their own business in the West of Ireland.
The Innovation in Business Centres at Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology provides incubation space and a range of business development supports to new start-up companies. Further information is available at our website
Applicants interested in the Galway centre are welcome to contact George McCourt at (091 ) 742822 or email and those interested the Mayo centre should contact Maria Staunton at (094 ) 9043198 or email