‘And you can quote me on that’

The best quotes, witticisms, reflections, soundbites and quips from the count centre in Leisureland

“On a lot of ballots there was just an ‘X’ beside Catherine’s name and nothing else” - Catherine Connolly’s supporters discuss the fact that many of her voters just voted for her and her alone.

“I’m watching Nolan’s transfers there. They’re going all over the shop - Connolly, Sinn Féin predominantly.” - a Labour supporter assesses who Dep Nolan’s surplus will benefit.

“It’s like watching the Eurovision” - remark overheard in the count centre.

“It’s great to see so many people here. It’s great that so many people care about the system and take an interest in it.” - Tanya Kovacic from Slovenia, who is studying in NUIG.

“Just give us a few years and we’ll be back with 100 seats” - Ah bless! A Fianna Fáil supporter remains defiant as he watches his party implode.

“He’d be better off staying at home and drinking a few pints” - Fianna Fáil supporters discuss whether it’s worth Frank Fahey’s time showing up at the count centre when it became he had lost his seat.

“I’m thinking of sending a Mass card to Frank Fahey, but I don’t know which house to send it to” - a Labour councillor enjoys Frank Fahey’s political demise.

“We were going to lose, but you have to take it graciously” - Despite all Frank Fahey remained in good humour.

“Twitter was down so I had to come out! I had to find out what was going on” - Galway City Council’s Gary McMahon.

“There have been Independents running in this election and I’ve got more votes for them running in student elections...where I came fifth” - NUIG student James McGlynn takes a wry look at the paltry tallies some Independents received.

“Bill Gates is the real winner here” - member of the public remarks on the numbers of computers at use in the count centre.

“She’d be perfect if she was a virtual candidate.” - exchange heard between two men assessing the qualities of FG’s Fidelma Healy Eames.

“It’s a bloodbath out there for ye” - Independent TD Noel Grealish to a FF party member as the scale of the meltdown become more and more apparent.

“It’s very quiet when the Fianna Fáilers aren’t around, there isn’t bit of life in the party at all” - political number cruncher Daniel Callanan comments on the rare species that is now FF.

“FF are at about 19 seats, which is about 15 too many” - Daniel Callanan on Sunday afternoon.

“The ‘Cubbard’ was bare” - a man at the count centre puns on candidate Mike Cubbard’s name after he was eliminated on the first count.

“It’s terrible when we’re older than the TDs representing us” - one man’s reaction to the election of Derek Nolan.

“It’s like The Last Of The Mohicans, with Éamon Ó Cuív. I never thought I’d see a Mohican,” - a man at the count centre ponders on the fact that Ó Cuív is the only FFer elected in Galway West.

“I used to vote Fianna Fáil, never again, I’ve lost faith in them” - one man at the count. This is why FF is now a rare species.

“If this woman had a ran she would have got the seat.”

“If I had a euro for every time someone said that I’d be a rich woman, but I might have scuppered your vote.”

“You’d have given me a few sleepless nights, and Brian as well.”

Noel Grealish and Terry O’Flaherty exchange banter at the count centre.

“The Fine Gaelers are all gone to Mass. They’re all lighting candles that Fidelma won’t get in.” - remark heard in the count centre.

“Ye divils, ye took all our votes!” - Labour’s Sabina Higgins jokes with Fine Gael’s Brian Walsh as the number crunchers look at where Sinn Féin’s Trevor Ó Clochartaigh’s transfers are going.

“Perhaps the Mayor should now consider his position seeing as he failed to get a mandate from the city” - one city councillor ponders on Michael J Crowe’s dismal election performance.

“I can’t sit down anywhere without my photo being taken” - Derek Nolan adjusts to his new life as a TD.

“Did you bring the sleeping bags Bridgie?” - a man jokes with his friend as the Galway West count looks set to drag on interminably.

“If this count doesn’t end soon, I’m going on hunger strike. I can say that now ‘cause I’ve just had my dinner” - poet and activist Sarah Clancy ups the ante - sort of.

“We’ll all be here again on Wednesday.”

“Would somebody give that fella a slap.”

Exchange heard at the count centre at 5.20am on Tuesday.


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