A better festive season for everyone is the aim of COPE Galway who launched its Christmas initiatives yesterday.
These exciting new projects invite everyone in Galway to play a part in working together with COPE towards making this Christmas better for the most vulnerable in our society.
Eight partner hotel venues have agreed to make donations to the charity for every COPE Galway Christmas Party that is booked with them. In turn it is hoped that the party organisers will also make donations, helping to raise much needed funds for the charity.
The second initiative, the COPE Galway House Party, aims to encourage people who are having a seasonal get together in their home to use this annual bash as a way of raising money for their local charity. Special party packs will be available to anyone interested in hosting a COPE Galway Christmas House Party. These parties can take whatever format the host prefers and are open to people living all over the city and county.
Speaking at the launch, CEO Jacquie Horan, said, “ COPE Galway is a local charity anchored in the community who provide support, sustenance and shelter for the most vulnerable members of our community. Christmas is a time when this vulnerability and isolation is felt most acutely. We believe this initiative will allow the people of Galway to help those in their community who need it most at this time of year”.
To find out more information simply log onto www.cope.ie or contact Siobhán on 091 560492 or at siobhan@ventureadvancement.ie