Local photographer to head up National Family Portrait Day

Professional photographer Clare O Regan has been appointed Galway county manager of National Family Portrait Day.

Professional photographer Joe Geoghegan, the national director of NFPD said, “Family days such as Christmas, is special for gifts, Easter is special for chocolate eggs and Valentines Day is special for romance.

“We at NFPD would like to put the family firmly to the fore on Fathers Day by making Fathers Day special for the creation of the annual family portrait. At the moment I am looking for photographers nationwide to head up each county and drive this very worthwhile fundraising initiative forward.

“I am grateful for the interest and effort made by Clare in Co Galway. Clare is a creative and innovative professional photographer, and we at NFPD are extremely lucky to have a photographer of her stature on board,” he said.

Clare O Regan said: “it’s a great honour to be given the job of heading up this innovative campaign on behalf of the charity Families Fathers and Friends. I look forward to recruiting the 20 professional photographers needed in county Galway to make this a success."

This fundraising initiative created for Fathers Families and Friends is looking for professional photographers to create family portraits on Fathers Day, June 19 2011.

If you are a professional photographer and you need some more business to cross into your studio, get in touch with Claire O Regan at 087 7824197 for details or register now at www.nationalfamilyportraitday.ie

This your chance as a professional photographer to help a charity while increasing your business.


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