Overcoming recession distress

Every patient who consults Harvey Wasserman these days suffers from stress or anxiety, fear or terror. It is not just the economic recession. There is a hopelessness about the future. Collapse in trust of the people in authority is a major factor. This includes politicians, banks and regulators. They did not guide or protect us.

When children cannot trust their parents to guide or protect them, the results are disastrous. When citizens cannot trust those in authority who should guide and protect them, the results are stress and disillusionment. The effects can be overwhelming.

There are ways people can effectively help themselves to reduce their anxiety, stress and fear. Send him a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Dr Harvey Wasserman, 1 Flood Street, Galway, and he will send you detailed instructions. These techniques are simple, effective and have been used for thousands of years. If these exercises do not bring relief, you may need professional help.

Harvey Wasserman is a retired Professor of Psychiatry at Yale University. He practices psychotherapy in Galway. He can be contacted at 091-566-712.


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