Historic celebrations at Mercedes-Benz Ireland

A milestone in motoring history - the 125th anniversary of the invention of the motor car by Karl Benz – was marked recently with a presentation to the Royal Irish Automobile Club by the Mercedes-Benz organisation in Ireland.

In unison with the worldwide celebrations which took place on January 29, a framed copy of the patent application made by Karl Benz in relation to his Benz Patent Motor Wagen of 1886 was presented to the RIAC. Pictured are Mercedes-Benz chief executive Stephen Byrne (second right ) and sales manager Ciaran Allen (left ) with RIAC chairman Cecil Sparks (second left ) and Bob Montgomery (right ), renowned motor historian and curator of the RIAC archive.

The informal event was held in the customer centre at Mercedes-Benz HQ in Dublin where many historic exhibits include an exact working replica of the same 1886 Benz Patent Motor Wagen.


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