Lord works in mysterious waves — Galway gets a Christian radio station

Ireland’s first quasi-national Christian radio station launched last week when World Champion Boxer, Katie Taylor released white doves to mark the official launch of Spirit Radio onto the Irish airwaves.

Broadcasting from Hume House, Ballsbridge, the station will be available initially in Dublin (89.9 ), Cork (90.9 ), Limerick (89.8 ), Galway (91.7 ) and Waterford (90.1 ) on FM and will launch across Ireland on AM by July 2012.

Upbeat, entertaining and inspirational, Spirit Radio plays the best contemporary Christian music alongside a mix of mainstream, positive chart music. Spirit’s news and talk features Christian voices speaking on the issues of the day, while all Spirit’s shows will have a common denominator, highlighting how ‘faith in God’ makes a real difference. The programming format is designed to incorporate lively discussions with thought provoking stories, from the humorous to the heart warming, but above all, uplifting.

Speaking about the launch, Rob Clarke, CEO of Spirit Radio said "Today, across the nation, men and women are facing real and sometimes overwhelming challenges. Spirit Radio will reach into homes, cars and offices bringing a message of hope and direction. It will help people take steps to begin or renew their relationship with God. Spirit will help people discover fresh meaning and purpose."

Spirit Radio works alongside churches and Christian organisations across the country to bring Good News to the nation, with staff, volunteers and directors representing the diverse Christian community in Ireland. A ‘not for profit’ company, with charitable status**, Spirit follows a similar funding structure to Christian radio all over the world. Carrying a modest amount of advertising, Spirit is primarily listener funded, with a growing team of supporters of all ages.


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